
Welcome to the Fitness section of our website. Being fit and healthy has always been important to Kristine and I. With that said, we have not always been fit and healthy. Injury, work and the other speed bumps that get thrown in your way by life… have at times pulled us away from fitness. Kristine’s approach to fitness has been a tempered, sensible approach over the years. She typically works out a half hour a day in our home gym four or five times a week. My relationship with fitness has been much more driven and obsessive with extremely high set goals. One of the unintended consequences of my approach has been a few devastating injuries. Not only have I really hurt myself, I have also failed to listen to my body. I have done things like run the last nine miles of a marathon with a torn hamstring muscle. And then there was the torn Achilles tendon that I continued to run on for eighteen months. Clearly I’m not the smartest runner. But… in my defense, I have done stuff and achieved some pretty cool goals. There is an entry in this section called “A little Fitness History From 2011”. It’s a snapshot of where I was on my fitness journey back then. It explains a lot.

My First 24 Hour Running Race

My First 24 Hour Running Race

I wrote this in 2013, about a week after this race. I was about ten weeks shy of my 60th birthday on race day. This is one of the most personal things I’ve ever written. I was originally uncomfortable putting this into the public domain but was encouraged to do so by...

A Little Fitness History from 2011

A Little Fitness History from 2011

I wrote this in 2011 for a blog I started with a couple friends about ultramarathoning. As it says below, I have had a lifelong relationship with endurance sports. I have enjoyed some meaningful success but have also endured some spectacular failures that are mostly...